富通学院 & 学院术语表


包含有关学院的信息, 提供的课程, 入学要求, 以及其他制度标准和要求, 以及认证和许可信息.


Federal regulations require institutions to provide certain consumer information annually to its students, 并附上一份获取信息的程序说明. 本指南实现了这一目标.


The 消费者资讯指南摘要 is a tool prospective and current students can utilize to find all relevant and required consumer information as defined by federal regulations.


The 净价计算器 is a tool that you can use to estimate your “net price” to attend our college. 净价是与“标价”(全部成本)之间的差额, 减去你可能有资格获得的任何助学金和奖学金. 标价包括直接收费(学费和杂费), 食宿)和间接费用(书籍和用品), 交通及个人开支). The information used to calculate these costs is taken directly from the information submitted in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).


Accreditation placement rates are calculated in accordance with each institution's accrediting body and in accordance with federal regulations. The rates are updated annually based upon Annual Reports submitted to each accrediting agency. The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 requires that Institutions make available to their students information regarding placement rates, 包括适用于税率的方法和时间框架. 信息在我们的学生数据库系统中进行维护、跟踪和更新.

The “Institutional Accreditation Placement Rate” Disclosure is still being maintained on the website to meet the requirements of each accrediting agency.

请注意,这里列出的认证机构适用于所有富通地区. Please refer to the institution’s catalog and Accreditation Rate Disclosure to find the accreditor that is applicable to your campus of interest.



报告期为7月1日至6月30日. 安置统计数据是按每个十大正规赌博平台大全计算的. 每个十大正规赌博平台大全的分娩率最低为70%.

The placement rate is determined by using the ABHES required method of calculation, 从7月1日到6月30日, 如下: 

就业率= (P) / (G-U)
P =就业毕业生
G =毕业生总数
U* =没有就业机会的毕业生 

* Unavailable is defined as students are who are unavailable for employment and fall into one of the following categories: health-related issues, 军事义务, 监禁, 继续教育状况, 或死亡.

Accrediting Body: Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)

报告期为7月1日至6月30日. 安置统计数据是按每个十大正规赌博平台大全计算的. 每个十大正规赌博平台大全的分娩率最低为70%. Placement rates are calculated by total graduates divided by employed graduates for the reporting period. 确定队列日期范围, the ACCSC calculation counts backwards from the report date 如下: program length times 1.5个月加上3个月的实习活动.

根据ACCSC标准, the rates listed may exclude students who fall into one of the following categories: death, 监禁, 现役军人部署, the onset of a medical condition that prevents continued enrollment or employment, or international students who are enrolled on the basis of a student or work visa and are ineligible for sustainable employment in the United States post-graduation. 


学生知情权法案, 由教育部规定, requires all institutions who participate in any 标题我V program to calculate graduation/completion rates. 该法案于1990年11月9日由国会通过. 标题我, 第103节, requires institutions eligible for 标题我V funding to calculate completion or graduation rates of certificate- or degree-seeking, 全日制学生进入该机构, 并向所有学生和未来的学生披露这些比率. The rate required for disclosure and/or reporting purposes under Student Right-to-Know Act. This rate is calculated as the total number of completers within 150% of normal time divided by the revised adjusted cohort. Further, the law requires that these rates be disaggregated by gender, race, and ethnicity. The Graduation Rates component of IPEDS was developed specifically to help institutions respond to these requirements. Please see the Student Right to Know Graduation/Completion Rates disclosure for the current description of data collected and the applicable cohort. 

We have elected not to report transfer-out rates because our institution mission does not include providing substantial preparation for students to enroll in another eligible institution without completing or graduation. 

Data used to calculate an institution’s graduation rate is derived from our student data system and is a result of the information submitted through the institution’s annual submission to the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). 有关IPEDS的更多信息,请访问 http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/.


In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 and in addition to the Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended), each postsecondary educational institution must disclose information about retention rates to current and prospective students. The retention rates are calculated in accordance with federal regulations and are based upon the information submitted annually to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).

The retention rate is a measure of the rate at which students persist in their educational program at an institution, 以百分比表示. This is the percentage of first-time full-time degree- or certificate – seeking students from the previous fall who either re-enrolled or successfully completed their program by the current fall. Please see the Retention Rate Disclosure for a complete description of the data disclosed and the applicable cohort.


In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008 and in addition to the Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended), each postsecondary educational institution must disclose information on the recommended and required textbooks needed to complete each course of study. The prices listed for reflect what a student is estimated to pay for each textbook.